Professional Home Inspections
Buying a new home may be the most substantial investment you'll ever make.  Although the process is very exciting, it quickly becomes overwhelming.  While the home you have selected may appear to be just what you desire, there may be potentially serious conditions which can make your investment a costly one.  Jay Fischman, PE, can provide you with a detailed inspection, followed by a comprehensive narrative report during your option period.

The inspection is intended to inform you of visually observable major deficiencies in the condition of the structure and the various systems. This information will help to reduce your risk and allow you to make a more informed purchase decision. Details of the scope of the inspection are included in the Inspection Agreement on this website.

Please feel free to call Jay Fischman to discuss information regarding your house, scope of the inspection, inspection fee and scheduling.

OFF 281-360-8962  CELL 713-724-0523 FAX  281-361-8199